My Conference Keynotes & Presentations - the ART OF GIVING

Sharing research at a conference is like telling a story with wisdom and care.

Telling a story is like a mini tea group ceremony, an opportunity to learn to BE with others by living in the moment. One of the main purposes of telling stories is for the audience to enjoy them in an atmosphere distinct from the fast pace of everyday life. I find conferences to be safe spaces for storytelling,interactive learning, freedom of speech, creative debate, synergies, relaxation and friendships. And I like my tea herbal!


AAG Symposium 'Aging, Art and Creativity' hosted by the University of Sunshine Coast, Australia, 18.09.2023.

'UNATC international Conference', The University of Bucharest, Romania, December 2022.

'Digital Performing Arts' Conference, The University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, and Birmingham City University, UK, April 2022.

‘10th Arts and Health Conference, NSW, Australia, November 2018.

Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, November2018.

Broken Puppet 1, University of Cork, Ireland, 2017.

VIII Festiwalu Akcept Gdanski Archipelag Kultury, Poland, 2017.

The Cathedral’s Group, University of St. Davis, Wales, 2017.

 VII Festiwalu Akcept  Gdanski Archipelag Kultury, Poland, 2016.

Negotiating Space for (Dis)ability in Drama, Theatre, Film and Media, University of Lodz, Poland, 2015.


IFTR Interdisciplinary Performative Pedagogies Working Group, Interim event (online) October 2024.

AHRCEveryday Creativity Conference 2024, London, September 2024.

3rd SCENARIO FORUM International Conference, hosted by Trinity College Dublin,2024.

Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Leeds, 2023. 

10th International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDIERI), Warwick University, England, 2022.

10th Digital Storytelling Conference (IDST), Loughborough University, England, 2022.

Culture, Health & Wellbeing Online Conference, England, 2021.             

33rd European Health Psychology Society, Croatia, 2019.

Organiser of the Broken Puppet 3 Symposium, Newman University, England, 2018.

TaPRA Applied and Social Theatre Interim Event, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2018.

Organiser of the Cathedral’s Group Arts in Health, Newman University, 2017.

Culture, Health and Wellbeing, England, 2017.

Health Humanities Symposium, University of Derby, England, 2017.

11th International The Arts in Society Conference, Los Angeles, USA, 2016.

Troubling Research Conference, Newman University, England, 2016.

Art as Research in Learning & Teaching Conference, University of Wolverhampton, England, 2016.

Children and Childhoods Biennial International Conference, University of Suffolk, England, 2015.

Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Newman University, England, 2015.

The 9th International Conference of The Arts in Society, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 2014. 

Culture, Health Wellbeing International Conference, England, 2013.

Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, University of Warwick, England, 2013.

Communicating Mental Health, University of Birmingham, England, 2013.

Researching social inequality and cultural differences Conference, Newman University, England, 2013.

The ‘Isolated Acts' Conference, University of Cambridge, England, 2012.

The Applied & Social Working Group (TaPRA) Conference, University of Kent, England, 2012.

7th International Conference on The Arts in Society, Liverpool John Moores, University, England, 2012.

8th Annual Medical Humanities Association Conference, The Medicine of Drama-All the Ward's a stage, Leicester, England, 2011.

 8th International Universities Theatre Association (IUTA) World Congress, De Montford University, England, 2010.    

© Copyright Persephone Sextou